I Quit IT, I Still Love IT Though.
I still am constantly working on my technical skills and staying current. This has helped tremendously in marketing and I know it can help you.
For Example:
When creating a full package-self hosted WordPress solution.
I can build a professional Website, Email (1 User), Email Newsletter, Domain, SSL Certificates, and the ability to expand with full customizability.
This can be done for $7.99/Month (Email) and a yearly payment of $10-30 for the domain.
This will just need a Desktop Computer Intel 6th Gen (Do not recommend a 6th gen, but it can work if i7).
Now for the nerdy stuff:
I do this utilizing Docker Containers and my barebones Alma Linux desktop. I utilize several containers to get everything running properly. Namely my favorite tool Nginx Proxy Manager using a DNS Challenge (Cloudflare). Cloudflare has helped me out tremendously to allow me to have great free features and staying secure in any way. I keep my system and servers secure using various methods and peer-revision.
My Favorite Home Network
Before moving out I had the dream network setup with my roommate. It was a PFSense Router I fashioned out of an old i5-3rd gen desktop. Gave it 3 NIC cards at 8 ports total. LAN IP: 10.69.VLAN.HOST/24, We had 3 different networks for a DMZ, Wifi, and Personal uses. We used my CCNA experience and my 48 port Cisco S2960-S to accomplish this. We then also used our EERO Wifi 6 Access Points, although quickly got another set of Ubiquiti Wifi 5 Access Points.
This is the fun part… I bridged the access points, pointed their DHCP/DNS to my router. Essentially splitting the network and configured the nicest Wifi 6 Access Points to our personal network. Leaving my Ubiquiti AP’s for IoT and guest devices.
We did this method since it was likely we needed some Wifi products and hosts to talk still.
Windows Server
Server Administration
Well I Want To Try Servers In My Environment!
This would make me extremely happy to help out with this. It will be expensive initially, although the long run it will be nice and cheap. Of course we can also look at cloud options such as Azure if reliability and security is key for the company.
Also be sure to understand that self-hosting has it’s drawbacks and more maintenance to stay secure. I can teach any tech person to maintain, I don’t have time to teach someone how to be good with docker deployments. I have spent 200+ hours in Docker in the last year. It takes time. I can do a monthly maintenance at a monthly rate if needed.
For your business or project, you may want a WordPress Website, E-Mail Campaign like MailChimp, Todoist/Trello Alternative, and so much more!
I will not deploy these types of docker servers on-premise (although not limited to): Anything financial, storing sensitive data of customers, or illegal
Check Out My Blog Posts
These are going to be tips and tricks or something I found interesting regarding Tech & Marketing if involved of course.